Pourfect Opaque Resin Pigments

Original price was: ₹120.00.Current price is: ₹105.00. (inc. GST)

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SKU: PRM-1354 Categories: ,


Cool and minty, this sweet light green pigmented paste from Pourfect is simply irresistible!

Pourfect Pigments have high pigment dosage that enables longer mileage and provides rich saturation.

Suitable with Pourfect Art Resin

Features :

  1. Mixes easily
  2. Can be mixed together to develop custom colors
  3. Non toxic
  4. Low odor

Additional information

Weight 30 g

Black, Purple, White, Yellow, Ameythyst, Aquamarine, Baby Pink, Big Apple, Deep Blue, Deep cyan, Deep Green, Emerald, Head Space, Headspace, Lavender, Light Green, Lush Gold, Nutty Brown, Ruby Woo, Sand, Silver Satin, Sky Blue, Tangy Orange, Turquoise Blue, Velvet Black, Vogue Pink, Worthy Wine


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